But Why Inclusion?

But Why Inclusion?

It seems like a fairly simple concept doesn’t it? But for people who have never had to think about inclusion because they are automatically included, it can be puzzling. “Doesn’t it mean just letting everybody join us, doing what we do?” Nope, not quite.

You see, inclusion doesn’t only mean the minority being allowed to join the majority. It means that the minority can also have all of the privilege of the privileged. This is where, in the world of the privileged, things start to feel uncomfortable.

This journey of privilege is happening in lots of areas, right now – white people asking why is it OK for people of colour to call themselves certain words, but not white people – men demanding they get the same special attention that women get to improve their position – people with disability demanding the same access to everything as able bodied people – non-Indigenous people aggravated that Indigenous people have their own kinds of government support. These things are causing people of privilege to feel pain and loss. These feelings of loss are, of course, irrational, built from our society’s views towards people with lesser privilege and growing up conditioned to fear outsiders. “They” will take what we have, “they” are dangerous, “they” must be kept in their place.

Don’t think that the disabled or allies, are all self-aware saints in this arena. Ableism is as rife in the disabled community as the abled. Look at the difficulties people have with identifying that they experience discrimination because of who they are. Rocking the boat causes pain, and when you are already experiencing enough pain, adding to it is incredibly difficult. Not everyone is in a position yet to radically change their thinking, to even know they have a choice to be a full member of society because of years of decisions and assumptions being made for them.

We used the word inclusion in our three goals for Articulate Festival, (Art, Inclusion, Culture) because we think that we, as a group, could make positive change (or at least start the conversation) in our town. Some points that we want to make in that conversation are –

  • Firstly, that anyone can go ahead and fix an issue if they see the issue, it just takes hard work and getting involved with all the groups effected.
  • Two, change the idea that positive change for the minority has to come from the majority. Nope, the effected minorities can lead too, and minorities know best what needs to be changed in their area.
  • Lastly, that there’s a terrible amount of discrimination in our town, not only towards the disabled – towards indigenous people, towards people in poverty, towards people with issues of addiction, towards anyone trying to change the status-quo. As difficult as it is, we need to keep this in the light so things can change. We need to keep pushing that inclusion is not only having people be the way we think they should be, but accepting them as they are.

Inclusion is not just a warm fuzzy word, it brings with it the pains of conflict, and a fear that as groups of people are elevated, that somehow that takes away from those that already have a position at the top of the pile. If you experience the thought (and it is natural, we all do it every now and then) “but I feel excluded” when a group of people who have less power than you are claiming their position, then take a breath. Maybe try the Australia attitude of “good on yer mate” and cheer them on. Maybe explore if that pain is shame that you have been part of a system that discriminates, without realising the position of power you are in. Maybe lend a hand by freely and publicly acknowledging the rights of others to do their thing.

So, yeah why inclusion? Because it is worth working hard for.



WANTED: NSW Teaching Artist with Disability

WANTED: NSW Teaching Artist with Disability

We are a group of visual artists with disability in Coonabarabran. We were awarded a RAF and a CASP grant for our 2018 program of professional improvement that will, amoungst other things, fund 3 quarterly workshops by professional artists to come and help us improve our skills, and to talk about your experience and learnings as an artist with disability. We do not mind what medium you work in as we are brave. Our impairments are mostly physical but we don’t let that get in the way when we create.

The funds will pay for your travel, accommodation and a per diem for meals – as well as your workshop fees.

We are committed to supporting artists with disability, and we will promote you and your work via our networks and online. In addition, the shire suffers from a lack of opportunity to engage in workshops with professional artists, so if you wanted to earn more pennies you could stay another day or two and also teach other paying artists in a separate workshop, we would promote that for you.

If this sounds like you (and we really hope it does) then please send us an email ASAP with your CV to info@creativescollective.org

[image: Black and white brushstroke in a lower case R, with the words Regional Arts NSW]

Creatives Collective’s 2017 In Review

Creatives Collective’s 2017 In Review

We can’t say “year in review” because we aren’t even a year old yet, but we have achieved some pretty cool things

  • Formed out of thin air
  • Decided goals and created a manifesto
  • Decided to incorporate (still in progress)
  • Applied for 5 grants
  • Was successful in 4 grants (#5 result yet to be amounced)
  • Met weekly for creative practice
  • Had monthly member-led workshops
  • Sourced a creation space for 2018 while we look for our own
  • Nominated an entries officer (Crystal will kick our bums to get things in shows)
  • Made representations to the Warrumbungle Shire Council
  • Had a table at the Warrumbungle Community Services Expo
  • Got vocal about local issues with disability services
  • Got vocal about local issues with art and culture in the community
  • Made a strategic plan for our funded 2018 professional development
  • Devised and started planning Articulate Festival for 2018
  • Bonded as a supportive group to each other

We would like to thank everyone who has been positive and helpful about our formation. We can do many things, but we can’t do it all by ourselves (just like any other group) and we are incredibly grateful for all the assistance we have received from people and organisations along the way. Special mentions to Belinda Baker of Ability Links for championing us right from the start and all her help, Louise Johnson and Deanne Britton for supporting us and guiding us through local government support services, Narda Abel for being unfailingly supportive, encouraging, and optimistic about our work, Kodi Brady for gifting his name in grant support letters and looking out for us when we needed creative space, and Fiona Cormie for never once complaining about us taking over Feathers Cafe.

2018 is going to be filled with lots of challenges for us, but it is also going to be the year that we see some of our major goals come to fruition. We are excited!

From us to you – have a creative 2018


CASP 2018 Grant

CASP 2018 Grant

Yesterday we received the exciting news that we had been awarded a Country Art Support Program grant from Regional Arts NSW. This was the first “real” grant we had applied for back in May, which wasn’t long after we formed and we weren’t confident about the results – but we did it!

This grant fits into our Going Pro 2018 project as we can now invest in an artist with disability to come and run one more professional development workshop with us in Coonabarabran.

We would like to thank Regional Arts NSW and our local art’s body Orana Arts for supporting our vision for 2018. Big shout out also to Narda Joy of Our Coonabarabran – 2357 Partnerships Inc who offered (and still does) lots of enthusiastic encouragement for us to keep up what we are doing.

Regional Arts NSW Logo Orana Arts Logo

Six Month Countdown

Six Month Countdown

Six months to the Articulate Festival

Today is the Summer Solstice which means there is exactly six months till the Articulate Festival. Even though there’s been work going on in the background since the Team Up grant to run the event was announced, today is the official launch of the project with the unveiling of the festival’s logo.
articulate festival logo

New logo is launched

As you can see, our main goals dominate the logo, and that is deliberate. The goals are to be front and foremost for all of the events and participants and audience. The “party” aspect of the festival is embodied in the dynamic lettering of “Articulate”. There’s a close grouping of many coloured letters of all shapes that could be dancing, or talking, or interacting in some way – but they clearly represent inclusion of all types in happy cohesion.

Or if that’s all mumbo-jumbo then let’s all agree it looks cool.

Creatives Collective is working hard

In the background Creatives Collective members, all artists with disability, have divided up events and leaders have been chosen for each event, with other members lending a hand or performing as backup.  Our members will start engaging with stakeholders, other groups who can assist, suppliers, and soon the audience, in the new year. These leaders with disability will also be reaching out to people in the community they consider to have expertise in the area they are running, for mentorship and connections. The grant was awarded to build the leadership skills, confidence and visibility of people with disability in the community. We already hope that ideas in the community of the capability of people with disability are being challenged, this is a large project and one that only the Coonabarabran Show would match in scale and complexity in the local area.

No list of local groups or way to contact them

We have added a new risk to our list, that is one of contacting other groups in Coonabarabran. There’s no centralised list of groups in Coonabarabran, and a suggestion to self-create one with other groups by forming a Facebook group was met with a negative response. This was very disappointing as this is another act of disabling that people do not recognise they are perpetuating. A lack of social contacts, or access to them, means that people are unable to live the life they want to.  It is a form of isolating which is extremely damaging to mental health as well as aggravating for anyone who is trying to do things with groups in Coonabarabran.

Local groups not using online tools to attract young people

The lack of online communication is also discouraging for the younger generations who use social media for all of their contact and organising, if groups aren’t using these tools too then they will not attract younger members to their committees (and issue that all groups mark as an issue). We will continue to lobby for better communication that is inclusive for Coonabarabran as we push on with the festival organisation.

Articulate Festival website to go live January 1st

In the good news section the Articulate Festival website URL will be www.ArticulateFestival.com and will be launching next year. New information will be added to the site as it is confirmed and links will be shared on the Articulate Festival Facebook page (and shared by the Creatives Collective page as well) and the Articulate Festival Twitter Page. Make sure you follow and share everything!

Regional Arts Fund Grant

Regional Arts Fund Grant

We are so excited to announce we have been awarded a Regional Arts Fund grant that will allow us to go ahead with our Going Pro 2018 project.

Going Pro 2018 is a year’s worth of professional development for our members that will end with an exhibition that will be centered around a disability theme. We will be documenting our progress throughout the year so keep an eye on social media, or here  the website. We hope that it encourages other groups to put together a business-like strategy in skill development.

We are on the hunt for NSW artists with disability that run workshops as we want to PAY YOU to come and teach us. Please share with any NSW artist with disability that you think might be interested. We will be putting out an official expression of interest invitation on January 8th 2018, but the early bird and all of that!

We wish to express our gratitude to Regional Arts NSW for supporting our project and we feel honoured to be included with such strong projects around regional NSW.
