We can’t say “year in review” because we aren’t even a year old yet, but we have achieved some pretty cool things

  • Formed out of thin air
  • Decided goals and created a manifesto
  • Decided to incorporate (still in progress)
  • Applied for 5 grants
  • Was successful in 4 grants (#5 result yet to be amounced)
  • Met weekly for creative practice
  • Had monthly member-led workshops
  • Sourced a creation space for 2018 while we look for our own
  • Nominated an entries officer (Crystal will kick our bums to get things in shows)
  • Made representations to the Warrumbungle Shire Council
  • Had a table at the Warrumbungle Community Services Expo
  • Got vocal about local issues with disability services
  • Got vocal about local issues with art and culture in the community
  • Made a strategic plan for our funded 2018 professional development
  • Devised and started planning Articulate Festival for 2018
  • Bonded as a supportive group to each other

We would like to thank everyone who has been positive and helpful about our formation. We can do many things, but we can’t do it all by ourselves (just like any other group) and we are incredibly grateful for all the assistance we have received from people and organisations along the way. Special mentions to Belinda Baker of Ability Links for championing us right from the start and all her help, Louise Johnson and Deanne Britton for supporting us and guiding us through local government support services, Narda Abel for being unfailingly supportive, encouraging, and optimistic about our work, Kodi Brady for gifting his name in grant support letters and looking out for us when we needed creative space, and Fiona Cormie for never once complaining about us taking over Feathers Cafe.

2018 is going to be filled with lots of challenges for us, but it is also going to be the year that we see some of our major goals come to fruition. We are excited!

From us to you – have a creative 2018

