Coonabarabran Inclusion Awards 2019

Coonabarabran Inclusion Awards 2019

International Day of People With Disabilities is celebrated in many places by institutions, corporations, and levels of government, putting on lunches for disabled people and that’s their good deed for the year.

This year we are taking, and turning, the day to ensure that positive change occurs in our community through the leadership of disabled people.

We are announcing Coonabarabran Inclusion Awards 2019 which will champion and highlight those businesses and locals who are making a positive change for everyone.

We invite members of the public to nominate their choices for winners in the following categories.

Inclusion Champion 2019

The person who has made the most impact on the local community in ensuring that all members have equal access to opportunities.

Young Inclusion Champion 2019

The young person (under 18) who has made the most impact on the local community in ensuring that all members have equal access to opportunities.

Most Inclusive Business 2019

(this does not only mean employing disabled people, it can include accessible workplaces, open and welcome to customers with disability,  processes and procedures that include people f all types…etc)

Most Improved Inclusive Business 2019

(The business that has made the most positive improvement to being inclusive – this can include having taken inclusiveness education, made deliberate steps/changes to ensure business is more inclusive to staff/customers, made deliberate steps/changes to ensure understanding/knowledge of issues that block inclusiveness (like not understanding the social model of disability) and more)

Most Inclusive Event 2019

The event that had the least barriers to every member of the community being able to participate equally in the event. This includes all people being able to volunteer, work, or enjoy the event and being invited and welcomed to do so.

Add your nominations and details in the contact form. Your details will only be used to contact for more information should it be needed.

Nominations can be made right up until December 1st 2019 and winners will be announced December 3rd.

Thank you and nominate away!

Inclusion Champion 2019

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