The timing of being able to go to REMIX Sydney couldn’t have been more fortuitous. After being awarded a grant to run an arts festival in Coonabarabran, and being so vocal about improving arts and culture in Coonabarabran, being able to feast on ideas from all over the world from the very best in coupling arts, technology and entrepreneurship together. Yes, a small town of 3000 people and the audience of the Royal Shakespeare Company or Burning man have a great deal in common.

Distilling what I heard at the summit down….

Humans love stories and storytelling


Humans want to get involved in experiences that bring them into the now


Sharing, collaboration and partnering between creative people, groups, and events, brings quicker growth and better viabiity, than if they work individually


Australia is behind the world in valuing art. Loss of arts and culture leave communities poorer, but this is not recognised by most Australians

The Articulate festival (the arts festival that Creatives Collective will be running in 2018) clearly addresses the first three statements – but we will need to think about how we will promote the final statement throughout 2018. We can’t do this all on our own, so using statement three we will continue to bang on the door of local people, groups, and organisations to get more involved in the arts on Coonabarabran.

A very big thank you to REMIX for supporting our ticket and for such a thought-provoking and idea-inspiring event.



