Quarter 1 has gone and what do we have to show for it. A crazy quilt of life-things that have tested our resolve and patience, but we are still moving forward.

We met with the new Warrumbungle Shire General Manager, Roger Bailey, and explained who we are, and all about Articulate Festival, and what we need done super quickly. We still aren’t sure whether we can use the external carpark at the Shire Hall and as that makes up 50% of the space we want to use, it’s a really big deal. Currently we are having to do twice the planning and have designated April 14th as the cutoff date to just go with the hall. We will be very sad and disappointed if we need to reduce the event to just the hall space.

Sadly our workshop facilitator/professional artist, Jeremy Hawkes, was hospitalised the week before the workshop weekend, and we had to cancel. We hope Jeremy is well and truly on the mend. We all understand what it is like for these kind of things to happen (one of our members had to have an emergency hip replacement around the same time). We will be announcing our next workshop soon so keep an eye out.

Congratulations to member Caitlyn who won two prizes (a 1st + 2nd) in the Coonabarabran Show! Well done!

We are now an Incorporated Association! Boy did that take a lot of messing around. We didn’t just stop there with the messing around, and we have also registered as a Not-For-Profit, Charity, and DGR status.

We want more members. We know you are out there artists! We know you would love to benefit from all of the free experience, workshops, technology, exhibitions, and opportunities we have lines up/are organising. Come to one of our weekly creative events (we are now meeting twice a week, look for our new Tuesdays events at Feathers Cafe) or send us an email info@creativescollective.org for more information.

So what’s coming up in April?

  • Twice weekly creative practice
  • Announcement of next workshop
  • Submission of grants for pop-up creative space in main street
  • Entries into UneARThed and other local art shows
  • Hopefully our charity status will come through and we can purchase our Surface Pro tablets at a reduced cost
  • Look out community groups – we need YOU for Articulate Festival and will be contacting you soon


