
January was a write off  – that’s not a bad thing all-in-all. Down time is good for the brain, but boy is it bad for the creative habit. Especially when there’s heat, and fire, and family emergencies and all the rest of the things that get n the way of being fabulous! Not to fear, we are back on board and getting that momentum going.

This month the Going Pro 2018 members will be attending the first professional workshop which will provide their website, training on how to use it, and marketing fundamentals.

Our Entries Officer, Crystal, has started the bum-kicking for the upcoming Coonabarabran Show.

We will be confirming our first professional artist trainer for a March workshop for our Going Pro 2018 project!.

We will also need to be putting in the hard yards to get things moving on the Articulate Festival.

Our new creative space,  the Coonabarabran Shire Hall, is working out fine (once we find the light switches and how to turn the air-con on). Great open quiet space with good light, even today when it was completely overcast. Some good art is going to be produced there.

Bring it on 2018!



